Not having social media is like operating a coffeeshop in the middle of a forest.

Why You Need Social Media for Your Small Business (Except When You Don’t)

My most popular recent post on my personal Facebook feed asked my friends to recommend a new hair stylist. Everyone had an opinion, chiming in with names, warnings, jokes and glowing promotions. I’m a fairly average Facebook user: I scroll through my feed daily and post one or two times per week. I have around 150 Facebook friends—not exactly Kardashian numbers, but I’ve curated this list to contain only the “friends” who are actually friends, as well as the pages of companies I’m actually interested in.

Nu-Designs explores digital marketing

Perfecting Your Digital Marketing Recipe, or How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Digital marketing is like making a cake. You just need the right ingredients and a little instruction. In this article, I'll go over the most useful digital marketing methods, and demonstrate how, when you mix together just the right amount of effort into each channel, you’ll connect with more consumers who are interested in your products. The results will be delicious!

Nu-Designs helps you turn visitors into customers.

How to Turn Website Visitors into Customers

As a small-business owner, you want your company’s website to be appealing, functional and reflective of your brand. But as you make website design choices, it’s important to not lose sight of your ultimate goal: gaining new customers. While there’s no single solution for turning a curious web browser into a client, small-business owners can take proactive steps to increase the likelihood that their website visitors will become leads.

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