Production Manager & Senior Designer

Nancy has been with Nu-Designs for over 14 years and has worked her way from web designer to Production Manager. She also frequently leads sales meetings showing potential new clients how the Nu-D team can fulfill their business needs. Heading up the production team, she does her best to make sure every project is completed on time, and all our clients are satisfied.

She frequently rides her bike to work from Fulton, subscribing to the ideal of one less car. On the weekends you can mostly find her outdoors. To stay fit, she trains for 100 mile rides...yes that's 100 miles in one day. She is a huge San Francisco Giants and pro cycling fan. A music lover, she has over 10,000 songs on her iPod and finally filled her iPod Classic 60GB. After 10 years an upgrade to the new iPod Classic 160GB iPod was in order. Life with new music can continue.

She laughs easily, and loves working with our clients. Nancy has a twin sister and we’re always kind of wondering which one of them is really sitting at her desk.